Airport Master Plan
The District Council of Ceduna adopted the Ceduna Airport Master Plan at its Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th April 2013.
The Master Plan provides Council, the Commonwealth and State government, the local community, aviation industries and interests, commercial users and investors with confidence to plan for the future development of the airport, its environment and the broader community. It provides the basis for planning of aviation activities, land and commercial development, environmental management and infrastructure delivery in an integrated and timely manner.
Master Plans are updated on a 5 yearly cycle and cover a 20 year timeframe. The plan presents concept for the ultimate development of the airport site and provides more detailed concepts for the 20 year period.
The District Council would like to acknowledge and thank Adelaide Airport Limited & Synott Wilkinson Consulting for their contribution to the master planning process. The expertise provided by these companies especially in the areas of noise forecasting and socio-economic modelling for the airport have ensured that the Master Plan is as comprehensive and accurate as possible.